I want to say a big thank you to all of my new followers! I am so excited to be inching close to 100, and flattered that you all think enough of my blog to join!
In the meantime, I thought I would share some fun things I found on Pinterest that you all might enjoy!
This site has writing prompts grouped by month. There is one for each day of each month, so you never run out! I already use these in my room and I like them a lot. I give the kids a choice of using the prompt or writing a free-write.

This is a great homework idea from the author of "Conferring: The Keystone to Reader's Workshop." I am going to suggest this to my reading/writing counterparts next year.

This is a great management idea from the Lesson Plan Diva. Use this touch light when you are working with small groups or having reading/writing conferences to let students know you don't want to be disturbed. Definitely implementing this ASAP!

A great (and more organized ) to keep a reader's notebook (or in my case, a response journal) from Word from the Corner's blog. Next year, we are going to set these up at the very beginning. I may tweak it a bit, adding my own creations to them.
And finally....

This is a fluency study that Life in 4B did with her fourth graders. I love the idea of teaching fluency this way to intermediate students. It's not just about reading fast! I proposed the idea of doing the "Interpretive Reading Contest" at our school, with the winner for the whole school reading aloud on our morning announcement for World Read Aloud Day next year. I can't wait!
There you have it! I hope you like these ideas as much as I do! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

I LOVE the touch light. I'm definitely going to need to get my hands on one of those. I always thought it would be fun to give each student a touch light when we do Jeopardy also as a way of locking in their answer. So now all I have to do is find them for like a nickel each and then I can buy enough for 35 students, haha!
ReplyDeleteLoose Shoelaces
I was thinking it could be a good way for them to show they need help during their independent work time instead of holding their hands up. Another use could be to show them when it is ok and not ok to get out of their seats? So many ideas! I like the idea of them each having one! Here's a case of 36! http://www.dollartree.com/Battery-Powered-Touch-Lights/p172804/index.pro