In 2012, one of my goals is to read more books than I did last year (100 is what I am aiming for). It should be easy as I have so many great resources to turn to thanks to blogging, Twitter, and my "Nerdy Book Club" friends (#nerdybookclub on Twitter). In fact, there are tons of challenges swirling around the net related to this very resolution. In addition to tackling 100 books this year, I am going to read as many of the Newbery award winners and honors. I already purchased three of them and have an ARC (see previous post) for one that was rereleased on December 27, 2011. This challenge was sparked by my Nerdy Book Club Friends as well, and dubbed the name "Nerdbery" (#nerdbery).
The second "resolution" I have is to work on a dream I've had since I was young. One of the many things I adore about Twitter, is having the ability to not only connect with other teachers and readers, but also my connection to authors. I feel so inspired them that I am finally ready to tackle the challenge of writing a book. Will it get picked up by a publishing company? Maybe. Will it become an instant success and win a ton of awards? Probably not, but that's okay. I just want to start "living the dream," as it were.
The good news is it's only day one of this brand new year, and I am already four books into my reading goal and brainstorming ideas for a book. Things are looking pretty good for 2012.
What are some of you New Year's resolutions for 2012?

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